Thursday, June 17, 2010

more flowers

Here are a couple more shots of the backyard.  Lots of flowers blooming just now.  Seems way too early for some of them, but we've had a really hot spring, so everything is too early.  I wonder what will be left to bloom by August. 

 I've been fighting a nasty summer cold all week, so haven't accomplished anything outside or in.  My house is dirty and dusty (from hauling mulch through and from open windows).  It will get cleaned one of these days.  I must admit, housecleaning is always at the bottom of my chore list.  Not only is it mindless work, but it gets dirty again so quickly. 

Yesterday, I did a bit of clearing out - got rid of two piles of magazines on the coffee table.  I keep my gardening magazines, but am running out of storage space for them.   Home and garden mags are saved for Kate to look at when she is here.  When I visit her, I often take a few old copies to her.  Then she has to get rid of them after I leave!

I haven't crossed out any more items on my 'to do' list, and in fact have added one more.  I have to get the desk in the basement cleared off and the piles of items on it, put away.  I don't use that desk, but I do pile everything on it.  I'm thinking, however, that once I get wireless, I could move the computer down there.  It wouldn't be as handy as where it is now, but it would free up some space in the dining/living room. In the summer, that basement 'library' room is lovely and cool.  In the winter, however, it is downright cold.  I'll have to think about this.

1 comment:

Deb D said...

Hey Kathy,
Did Verizon not come on Wednesday? what did they need the trench for? How are your haring aids?