Monday, November 1, 2010

Happy Halloween

Yesterday, we did a Raku firing at the Montpelier Arts Center, where I take a ceramics class.  Some of my pieces are definitely Halloweenish, as you can see. The colors aren't quite true in the photos, but you can get the idea.   I think of this pair as female and male wolves.  The moose has a rather odd finish, but I kinda like him.  Then there is 'Oh Deer'.  I was aiming for a deer, but got something that might be a kangaroo or a coyote. There are also some pots, which I will show the next blog.

I got home too late for trick or treaters, which was fine by me.  I was exhausted.  There was some lifting of a kiln lid - VERY HEAVY - which made my neck and back ache.  I came home, took a hot bath and went to bed!

1 comment:

mumzy said...

We didn't have any trick or treaters here. We never do. Your masks are fantastic. I have never got into pottery.