Saturday, March 19, 2011

yard work

I did some yard work this week.  Trimmed all the dead stalks of perennials, so the new growth can start.  Of course, that's assuming they didn't die over the winter.  Can't tell yet about most of them.  I have two big bags of trimmings to go out next month when they start picking up yard trash again.  There is still more cleaning up to do out back, under the deck.  I should get out there today and do it.  Maybe I will - after lunch. 

This morning, I went to a mammoth yard sale held in a school.  They used several rooms, hallways and the library!  There was a lot of clothes and toys for sale, which I'm not in the market for.  Didn't find much in the way of knick-knacks, but did buy some CDs and paperback books.  Like I really need those!!   LOL.  I will donate most of the books after I read them.  I'm trying hard to get rid of 2 books for every one I buy.  By the time I'm 90, I might have a reasonable number of books left!

Today is another lovely day.  It's sunny, with a bit of wind, but very pleasant outside.  I do love spring here in Maryland.  All I have in bloom so far are daffodils and the Mahonia (grape holly) bush by the front door.  (Photo on left) The bees love that bush.  And next month, when the berries mature (they do look like little grapes) the birds will love it.  Last year I had robins and catbirds fighting over those berries.  I need to put in my request for permission to buy a new tree to replace the one that fell last year.  I really hate the fact that living here, I have to ask the Homeowners' Board for permission to plant trees or bushes.  I'm pretty sure they will say yes, but it's an irritation to have to put in a written request.  I'm still trying to decide what tree to buy.  I think maybe a dogwood.  We have two already here in the neighborhood, but they do look pretty in the spring and have red berries in the fall.

I'm getting eager to start buying spring plants, but of course, it's much too early.  Frost free date here is around May 1.  I'll have to wait until after Easter, at least.  I enjoy the break from gardening during the winter, but with the arrival of warm weather, I'm ready to start in again.


mumzy said...

After reading your blog and having had a couple of really nice days here, it makes me wish I could be outside doing yard work. However, living here means having to wait for quite a while before that is possible. We still have a fair amount of snow and the lake is still frozen solid. Have fun with your yard work though.

Pat said...

We did a good bit of raking on Friday when it was totally beautiful outside.......but there is plenty more to do. I like when it looks nice, but I'm not fond of doing the work it takes to get it that way. LOL