Tuesday, November 23, 2010

some fall scenes

 This is a wreath I made from artificial flowers on sale at Michael's.  I had a different door decoration up this fall,but it was old and kept dropping bits onto the floor.  This one should last a few years.

This week is a rather busy one, although when I remember how frantic Thanksgiving week was when I was still gainfully employed, life today is very leisurely.  I decided to clean my oven today.  My oven was very dirty, as I didn't clean it all summer.  The process creates a lot of heat and is stinky, but isn't much work for me.  Luckily today is warm, so I've got the house open and a fan blowing the oven-cleaning smell out. If I were cooking a turkey, I would wait until after T-day, but since the dinner is at Patty's house this year, it's her oven that will get the most use.  I'll be baking a pumpkin pie or two and roasting some vegetables, but that's about all the cooking.  It's really nice to have three households sharing Thanksgiving.  No one has to do too much. I shopped today, and tomorrow I will bake the pies and make cranberry sauce.

 I took a few photos of the mums that are still in bloom in pots on the front steps.  The one on the deck is still just budded. I think the flowers will be yellow. If it blooms before a killing frost, I'll get a photo of that one too.

There was an interesting moon this AM.  I can't take photos of the moon at night, need a tripod for that, but I managed a pretty good shot of the morning moon.  Looks like a full moon to me, which usually means a cold night.  We'll see.

I hope everyone enjoys a wonderful Thanksgiving dinner with turkey and stuffing and sweet potatoes and all the other special items that your family traditionally has.  When I was a kid, my mom always
fixed creamed onions.  I hated them!  (I hated most vegetables as a kid.)  Luckily, since it was Thanksgiving, I didn't have to eat any.  We usually had some of the neighbors over to share dinner.  One family always brought a very sour lemon sherbet to start the meal.  I wish I had the recipe.  It was wonderful!

The newspaper today had an article on how we should eat carefully and not eat too much on Thanksgiving.  What a downer!  Who wants to skip dessert and just eat fruit on Thanksgiving?  Not me!

                                                                HAPPY THANKSGIVING, EVERYONE!


Pat said...

Happy Thanksgiving to you, too. I love all your photos today! Your wreath looks very pretty..you did a good job with it.

quiltingnana said...

beautiful photos Happy Thanksgiving

Deb D said...

Lovely morning moon. And a good way to celebrate the holiday - Happy Thanksgiving