Thursday, October 2, 2008

how does one begin?

As a person from a pre-computer generation, I admit to having a love/hate relationship with my computer and all the wonderful and frustrating things it does. I love reading blogs from my family or friends (mostly younger friends), but I'm not at all sure about writing a blog myself. My life is rather ordinary and mundane. I'm not sure why anyone else would be interested, but I will try posting something every once in a while. I've always been a prolific writer of letters and, recently, email, so it isn't that I can't babble on and on. It's rather that what I have to say is unlikely to be anything worth reading.

My daughter Kate, has just set this blog up for me, as well as an account on Flickr where I can store my photos. So far, I've already exceeded the monthly limit on posting photos in a free account there. I've just been visiting Kate in London and took many photos, far more than the monthly allowance at Flickr. However, that was in September and it is now October, so soon I will try to add (upload? download?, whatever) the remaining photos that are still in my camera. This abundance of photos is what happens when one acquires a digitel camera. I do try to weed out the really bad pictures, but I still have far more than if I would have if I had to pay to have them developed and printed. Anyway, the photos on Flickr are all from my recent trip. I would give you the url, but I'm not real sure what it is! Told you I'm a novice at this. I'll try to figure that out and get it up here.

The visit to Kate and her family was delightful. I have three wonderful grandchildren there, as well as my daughter and the world's best son-in-law. (Geoff - if you are reading this, don't get a swelled head!) Coming home to Maryland, I arrived safely, but my luggage did not. At this point it is somewhere else. I am hoping that it is currently on a plane arriving soon in Baltimore, but for all I know, it may be taking a trip of its own from London to Timbuktu! I've been traveling between Baltimore and London for 15 years now and this is the first problem I've had with luggage, so I guess it was just my turn for frustration. I sure hope they find my suitcases and deliver them soon. I don't miss the dirty laundry, but there are a number of little items I bought and two quilts that Kate made in those cases. Sure don't want to lose those.

I'm still rather jet-lagged, so will end this. When my luggage reaches me, I'll write again.

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