Sunday, March 7, 2010

recent ceramics

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Yesterday, I spent most of the day at an officer's retreat for my church. In a weak moment, I agreed to serve on the Council (governing body). It's going to be a long three years! I was exhausted when I got home and just crashed.

I did not get the root canal finished on Friday because the infection is still there. I'm back on antibiotics for the next week. So far, no bad side effects, just feeling queasy. It reminds me of pregnancy - morning sickness. (Obviously, I had a very mild case of morning sickness with my pregnancies.) Anyway, I can live with this. If the infections still doesn't clear up, I will have to have surgery of some sort. The dentist didn't say exactly what that would be. I sure hope the drugs work this time. I do not want dental surgery - or an extraction of the tooth!

I did manage to take a couple of snapshots of some of my recent ceramic creations. See above.
Today, we are having a 'soup luncheon' at church. This afternoon, I hope to get down to the Montpelier arts center to look at a juried show sponsored by the Laurel Art Guild. My friend, Lynne, has collages in that show and I probably know some of the other artists. It's always fun to see what friends are producing.


Pat said...

I hope your tooth infection clears up soon. Hope you enjoy your afternoon at the art museum.

Deb D said...

Love the guy with yellow eyes and green nose!