Thursday, March 4, 2010

update on computer

I'm doing better with my new computer now. Still having trouble with the keyboard. It's slightly different than my old one. I keep hitting the wrong letters. I'll get used to it. Had to take the CPU back to the store yesterday because I couldn't find the data from the old computer. It was there, I just didn't recognize it. They copied the entire hard drive. I hope, if there was a virus, that it didn't get transferred!

I can't get my speakers to work. I think they are not connected properly, but haven't been able to see what is wrong. Directions are very poorly written and rather skimpy for the speakers. I even got a message saying that the audio system was not working. Well, duh! I knew that.

Today is my birthday. I'm 69! Yesterday, I celebrated by getting a great haircut and going out to dinner with a friend. Today I won't have time to celebrate, between my volunteer job and choir tonight.


Deb D said...

Happy Birthday!!!

Doreen G said...

Happy birthday Kathy may you have many more.

Pat said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! I hope you get all your computer "stuff" figured out soon and can get the sound to work for you.