Saturday, April 4, 2009


I've been raving about the beauty of the spring flowering trees. And they are beautiful, however, I seem to have forgotten that they are spreading all their pollen around, especially with all the wind we have had the last few days. The rain yesterday, should have reduced the pollen count, but I guess it didn't. I had the windows open yesterday, after the rain, as it was very warm - in the 70s. This morning I was reminded of why I do NOT enjoy spring. I am sneezing and using tissues every few minutes. I bought a good supply of tissues a few days ago - good thing I did. Allergies are such fun - NOT! I never used to have pollen allergies. In fact, the house my kids grew up in had a yard with many oak and maple trees. In the spring, if we opened the windows, the furniture was covered with green dust. My son had allergies, but it never bothered me. That changed after Andy and I moved to a house with a half-acre yard and 40 pine trees (many of them were small). The second year we lived there, Andy decided that he should 'feed' the trees, so he carefully poured fertilizer pellets into holes made at the drip lines of each tree. The next spring, the trees bloomed - pollen everywhere. And guess what - yep, I started sneezing. At first, it was just pine pollen that bothered me, but over the next few years, I developed sensitivity to all spring pollen. Anyway, I blame the whole thing on Andy! (He has broad shoulders and he'll never read this post).

1 comment:

mumzy said...

I am lucky that pollen does not bother me as in the Spring after the ice leaves, we sometimes have about 4 or 5 feet of yellow pollen on the water along the shorelines. Hope you feel better soon and I do love where you put the blame for your allergies. LOL