Sunday, April 11, 2010

Holy Humor Sunday

At my church (Protestant), we have a tradition (just a few years old) of doing a very different worship service on the Sunday after Easter. We didn't start this tradition; our minister read about it and our Council decided we should try it. Everyone is supposed to dress up in a funny costume and hat - most people do that. And the congregation is encouraged to bring in jokes and read/tell them at one point in the service. The choir will sing a less serious anthem than the usual. Choir is supposed to be wearing Hawaiian shirts and funny hats. Most of us will, although someone always forgets. I'm not keen on this service, because many of the jokes aren't that funny and some people just can't tell a joke properly. Stand-up comedians, we are NOT!

Today we are also having a farewell coffee hour/luncheon for the Hispanic Pastor of the Roman Catholic Church that shares our worship space. The pastor is a really nice guy and always comes to Holy Humor Sunday and tells a funny joke. He has been reassigned and will be leaving very soon. I'm sure his congregation will truly miss him and so will those of us who have gotten to know him.

Looks like it will be another lovely day here. Sunshine and not too hot. Yesterday was windy and just a bit chilly. I dug up dandelions that were blooming profusely in the front lawn. I'm sure when I check this AM, I will find a few I missed. A gardener's work is never done, but that's ok, as I really enjoy it.

Tonight, I'm hoping to meet my Pittsburgh friends for dinner at a restaurant famed for its crab cakes. I'm not crazy about crab cakes, maybe because I didn't grow up in Maryland, but it will be great to see my friends. And, I don't have to order crab cakes!

1 comment:

Pat said...

Hmmmmm....that Holy Humor Sunday sounds a bit "unique". With my luck, I'd attend one when there were too many UNFUNNY jokes being told and I'd be bored to tears!!! LOL