Wednesday, June 29, 2011

bits and pieces of my life

I haven't blogged much lately because nothing interesting is happening in my life.  Today I will pick up the repaired hearing aid (story on Facebook).  It'll be good to have both ears hearing at the same level.  I found with only one hearing aid, I could hear ok, but had trouble telling what direction noise was coming from. 

I've been making phone calls lately to members of my church who have not yet signed up to have their pictures taken for our photo-directory.  There are only a couple of folks not yet signed up, so I guess we did a good job.  I'm not in charge of this activity - thank heavens - but am helping the chairperson.  I really hate making phone calls, but these weren't bad, as the reason was a good one and everybody was very nice.  It's not like selling anything or asking for volunteers!

We had some rain last night, maybe enough so that I won't have to water today.  Watering all my potted plants is a bit of a chore.  I don't mind doing it, but when I go away, it really puts a burden on my neighbor who tries to keep up with my watering as well as her own.

I have get 2 new tires for my car.  I checked out an online site that has good prices.  Now I just have to check to see if my regular mechanic or NTW has cheaper installation.  I don't like dealing with car repairs and suchlike, but I really need my car, so I try to do all the right things to keep it running.  I keep think about buying a new car, until I think about car payments!

I can't believe this coming weekend is July 4th weekend.  How time flies!  I wonder if July will be any cooler than June.  This month has been horribly hot and humid.  I'll be going up to western NY in July to visit family and have lunch with high school friends.  Hopefully, it will be cooler up there, although my brother tells me that their temps have been in the 90s.  When I was a kid, it was NEVER that hot there.  We got along fine without air-conditioning.  Evenings were always cool.  Things have changed there, however.  Now if winters were just a bit milder, I'd be tempted to move back up there.  (Well, not really, as it's deep Republican territory. If I lived there I'd have to register as a Republican in order to have my vote in local elections count for anything!)

Lately, Ive been trying to get rid of some of my many books.  It's hard because I have to reread them to decide if I want to keep them or not.  I'm trying to just reread one book by each prolific author and decide to keep or donate all of them based on that one.  So far, in June, I've discarded 30 books.  Of course, I've bought a few new ones, but even so, I have some empty shelf space.  If I have 2000 books (a rough estimate) and discard 16 each month, I should have none left in 10 years.  Of course, I won't discard all of them, so maybe I'll only dump 1000 books, which gives me a bit more leeway.  I'm figuring that in 10 years I might be moving into a retirement community and a much smaller place, so I'd have to have fewer books. 

Unfortunately, books aren't the only things I have too many of.  One wall in the kitchen is covered with antique utensils and suchlike.  I blame my friend, Patty, for them.  She introduced me to American antique kitchen stuff. I filled the kitchen and put stuff outside on the fence as well.  Then a couple of years ago I got started buying little ceramic animals.  They were not expensive and were SO CUTE!  I think this was a going back to my childhood, as I had a few china animals as a kid and loved them dearly.  As an adult, I went overboard and now have 12 little 'boxes' displaying the 150 (or so) animals.  As you may have noticed, I tend to get into things in a big way!  I won't even think about the ceramics that fill many boxes in the storage room and decorate my living room walls.  At least I'm not a true hoarder.  I display my stuff artistically (at least I think it's artistic) and I don't have piles of stuff on the floor and on every table.  On the dining table, but not on the floor - and the piles are business letters and such like.  Seems as if I just manage to balance the checkbook and verify the charges/sales slips when the next month's bunch come in the mail!  Ok, enough already!  Maybe next time I blog, I will have some photos and something worth saying!

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