Wednesday, September 9, 2009

heeee's back

Ground hog returned last night. Didn't damage my plants, but ate all the blooms and most of the leaves of two of my neighbor's mums. She had just planted them a few days ago, so she is really MAD! I'll be mad too, when he/she eats more of mine, which is very likely to happen. Most of mine are not in the ground, but in pots, but if the critter is willing to climb up my steps, then there really isn't any safe place.

Speaking of critters - the beavers struck again this week. This time they took down a good-sized tree. It's lying across the sidewalk and into the road. Of course, the stupid animal can't get it down to the creek. He doesn't seem to be learning from experience. The only 'good' aspect of this is that the trees are on county property, not our homeowners' association responsibility. Of course, the county probably won't replace the decorative trees along the road - at least not any time soon. Oh well, it's not my worry. I just hope the critters don't swim on down the stream and end up in the pond below my property!

I've been painting doors the last couple of days. Not very exciting, but I'm happy with the results. I made a mistake, however, and painted barefoot. (No, I did not use my feet to paint with!) LOL Usually I wear some very old shoes. Anyway, the bottoms of my feet were black from walking on newspaper, with some bright green spots where I had stepped in paint drips. Thank goodness for latex paint that washes off. I remember when I was a kid, helping my dad paint. It was oil-based paint, of course, and we had to use turpentine to clean the brushes and our hands. I've always liked the smell of turpentine, but not as a cologne!

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