Saturday, December 25, 2010

Merry Christmas

Yesterday a friend and I had lunch at Applebee's.  The place was nearly deserted, so we didn't feel guilty because we sat and talked after eating.  We had steak and carefully left room for dessert. Sometimes it's nice just to meet a friend one on one, rather than in a group.

Last night the choir sang at our Christmas Eve service.  We (choir and congregation) sang about 8Christmas carols. The choir did a processional (we only do this once a year); sang three anthems and then walked to the back of the sanctuary while singing a really neat song which uses Silent Night as a counterpoint melody.  Cookies and cider and socializing afterward.  On the way home, I watched the moon with clouds drifting across the face.  It was a beautiful sight.  Wish I had been able to take a photo.  By the time I got home, the clouds were covering it completely.   All in all, it was a lovely evening. 

This morning I have spotted a half dozen snowflakes.  We may get a white Christmas after all.  I filled all the bird feeders this morning.  The way the birds eat, most of the seeds will be gone by tonight.  Anyone who talks about someone 'eating like a bird' hasn't watched birds eat.  They spend most of their time eating, except when they are chasing other birds away from the food!

Today I will be listening to various Christmas music presentation on the radio.  I can get two stations that play classical music, so have lots of wonderful seasonal music to enjoy.  Later I'll call some of my family and then go out to dinner with another friend.  Should be a good Christmas, despite being without visiting family.  I hope everyone has a wonderful Christmas filled with joy and love.


Deb D said...

Yes, Indeed - does sound lovely. I am adding clay and reading to the list of good times.
Happy Holidays

Pat said...

I hope your day was a good one. We will drive to NJ tomorrow to have Christmas with my daughter and grandkids...hoping we don't have too much trouble on the roads going up AND getting back here on Monday.